Wild flowers of Kyrgyzstan (12 days)


from $800

The plant kingdom in Kyrgyzstan has about four thousand different varieties. This great biodiversity lies in the different landscapes, different heights and at the edges of mountain caves. On the alpine meadows (about 3000 m above sea level) grow edelweiss, dandelion, alpine aster, Semenov onion, primroses and many more.

Day 1: Airport – Bishkek – Tatyr Gorge (27 km/1 h)

Upon arrival to Manas Airport, meet a guide/driver and transfer to city. After short tour around the city, transfer to the State Biological Reserve aimed for conservation of rare species of tulips reaching 170 cm in height at Chunkurchak Gorge. There are about 22 different varieties of wild tulips that grow in Kyrgyzstan. Eight of them are listed as vulnerable species on the red list because they are so rare. Among the best-known are the Greigue, sometimes called the “Green Tulip”, the Kaufman and Zinaida. In the evening arrival to Kara-Bulak Eco-Resort. Dinner and overnight stay there.

Meals: dinner

Day 2: Tatyr Gorge

Whole day trip around the gorge and exploration of wild flowers.

Meals: breakfast, lunch-box, dinner

Day 3: Tatyr Gorge – Chychkan Gorge (300 km/4 h)

Depart to Chychkan Gorge. Along the way, pass through Too-Ashuu (3586m) and Ala-Bel (3184m) mountain highway passes. Stop at Suusamyr Valley to taste Kymyz (fermented mare’s milk). The road from Bishkek to Suusamyr is absolutely one of the most stunning in the country.  The road goes up and down through several mountain passes before opening to the green pastures of Suusamyr valley, where the shepherds and their livestock are located. Dinner an overnight stay at a guesthouse.

Meals: breakfast, lunch, dinner

Day 4: Chychkan Gorge – Arkyt (300 km/5 h)

Morning trip around the gorge. There are alpine trees, different types of wildflowers and plants along the Chu River. Depart to Arkyt village located in Sary-Chelek Biosphere Reserve. The Sary-Chelek biosphere reserve, which lies in the Arkyt Gorge, is a relatively small mountain hollow in Chatkal Mountains. It was founded in 1959 to protect and research the pristine natural landscapes – lowland steppes and ridges with snow-capped peaks; rapid rivers and mountain lakes; blossoming valleys and alpine meadows (lying between 1200m and 4274m) – with their diversity of flora and fauna. More than 1000 species of plants, 160 species of birds and 34 species of mammals (such as deer, bear, lynx, wolves, foxes, badgers, porcupine and even snow leopards) can be found in this relatively small and unspoiled national park. It is also a wonderful place for those interested in various kinds of insects. There are also some other small lakes to the south–east (such as Kyla-Kol, Iyri-Kol , Aram-Kol, Cherek-Kol, and Bakaly-Kol), but Sary-Chelek is regarded as the “gem” – the “Jewel in the Crown”. The location of Sary-Chelek Reserve causes its mild climate: warm summers and winters with little snow. A significant part of the reserve occupies walnut, apple and pear forests. Overnight stay at a local family run guesthouse.

Meals: breakfast, lunch-box, dinner

Day 5: Sary-Chelek Lake

Full-day discovering of Sary-Chelek Lake’s flora and fauna. Overnight stay at a family run guesthouse in Arkyt village.

Meals: breakfast, lunch-box, dinner

Day 6: Arkyt – Arslanbob (330 km/6 h)

After the breakfast, depart to Arslanbob. The Arslanbob Valley is near to the Dashman Forest Reserve, is a largest walnut forest in the world. Arslanbob is a unique creation of nature, it is located at 1,600 meters above the sea level. The main treasure of the southern forests is the walnut tree. Walnut trees can live up to 1,000 years, can reach enormous sizes, and they produce an abundance of walnuts. Muslims think the picturesque fruit forests to be sacred. According to a legend, in the ancient times hardworking man with the name Arslanbob used to live here. He served the prophet Muhammad. All those who visit the forest can take away with them a peace of its paradise. Overnight stay at a local family run guesthouse.

Meals: breakfast, lunch-box, dinner

Day 7: Arslanbob Trip to the Walnut Forest and Waterfall.

Meals: breakfast, lunch-box, dinner

Day 8: Arslanbob – Osh (215 km/3 h) – Batken (250 km/5 h)

After the breakfast, depart to Osh. After short rest in Osh transfer to Batken city. Overnight stay at a local family-run guesthouse.

Meals: breakfast, dinner

Day 9: Batken

The province of Batken is located in the south of the Fergana Valley, the most fertile part of Central region where native apricots grow. Their quality is famous not only among the Kyrgyz but also abroad. Apricot farming is one of the main sources of income for the local people. This community cultivates and processes apricots,  use them to produce juices, jams and dried apricots (kuraga). Aigul-Tash Mountain is located near to the Kara-Bulak village in Batken region. This place is really unique, because only here grows the flower-endemic Aigul. The only place where they were found is the mountains of Afghanistan. The flower is so unusual because the seeds are subject to ground attack for seven years, and then it takes another seven years until the flowers appear on the thin stem. Overnight stay at a local family-run guesthouse.

Meals: breakfast, lunch, dinner

Day 10: Batken – Osh

After the breakfast, depart to Osh. Afternoon tour around the city: Holy Suleiman Mountain with a cave Museum, Babur’s Mausoleum on top of the mountain, Great Silk Road Museum, Alymbek Datka Ethno-Complex and oriental Osh Bazaar. Overnight stay at family-run guesthouse.

Meals: breakfast, lunch

Day 11: Osh – Bishkek

Whole day travel to Bishkek. Overnight stay at a hotel.

Meals: breakfast, lunch

Day 12: Bishkek – Manas Airport

Transfer to the Airport for the departure flight.

Meals: breakfast

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