Uzbekistan – Kyrgyzstan combined tour (12 days)

all year round

Duration: 12 days / 11 nights

Route: Tashkent – Bukhara – Samarkand – Tashkent – Ferghana – Margilan – Andijan – Osh – Toktogul – Bishkek – Issyk-Kul – Karakol – Bishkek



Arrival in Tashkent . Meeting with tour escort guide. Transfer to hotel for accommodation. Rest and breakfast. Tashkent – The Capital of Uzbekistan! With population of over 2.3 million it translates as “Stone City”. Due to its central location in the region, the city received Sogdian and Turkic influences in its early history, before the Arabs came in the 8th century. After destruction by Genghis Khan in 1219, the city was rebuilt and profited from the Silk Road. The city was conquered by the Russian Army in 1865, and in Soviet times witnesses major growth and demographic changes. Today Tashkent is the largest metropolis in the region, the nation’s capital and home to some excellent museums, operas and fine dining. Following the major earthquake of 1966, old part of Tashkent retains many of its historical building. There are numerous bazaars, madrassas, craft centers, museums, parks, squares and theatres to explore. Tashkent metro is unique system with art-gallery-like stations. SS incl:

  • Alisher Navoi Opera and Ballet Theatre – The theatre was built on the plans of Alexey Shchusev, the architect of Lenin’s Mausoleum in Moscow in neoclassical style. The theatre has special significance for Japanese nationals because it was built by the Japanese prisoners of war during the Second World War. A plate acknowledging their contributions is part of the building
  • Monument of Courage – built to acknowledge the courage of the people at the time of the Tashkent earthquake on 26th April 1966. The whole city was reduced to rubble and then modern Tashkent was built.
  • Amir Temur Monument – is in the centre of Tashkent. Amir Temur, in armor, is sitting on his horse, holding the reins of his horse with his left hand and greeting the people with his right hand.
  • Mustaqilik (Independence Square) – the political centre of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Government buildings and the Senate are located here. Independence Monument was erected 1991 as a symbol of the sovereignty of the country. It shows a golden globe and the outlines of Uzbekistan.

Dinner at local restaurant. Meals: breakfast, dinner

DAY 2:             TASHKENT – SAMARKAND 280km

  1. Breakfast. After breakfast, take a train to Samarkand.
  2. Arrival. Acc at hotel.

The name Samarkand conjures a place that floats somewhere between fact and romantic fiction. Its fame reaches back into the fog of time. In 329 BC, Alexander the Great exclaimed, ‘Everything I have heard about Samarkand is true, except that it’s more beautiful than I ever imagined!’ This city is the jewel in the crown of the Silk Road. It’s centerpiece, the Registan, has been carefully restored. This is medieval Samarkand’s commercial heart and is dominated by three madrassas facing each other across a square. Their façades are a riot of vibrant majolica and azure mosaics that dazzle the eye. It’s best to set aside a whole day to explore these buildings with their gold-leafed interiors, cool courtyards and colorful bazaars. See the extraordinary Ulugbeg observatory, created by Tamerlane’s grandson, and visit Gur Emir – Tamerlane’s mausoleum. Have tea on a terrace overlooking the Bibi Khanum mosque, built for Tamerlane by his wife as a surprise gift. In 2001, UNESCO added the city to its World Heritage List as Samarkand – Crossroads of Cultures. SS incl:

  • Gur Emir Mausoleum – As a conqueror there are few that are Tamerlane’s equal, both in territory and legacy left. Today one can visit his tomb in the beautifully reconstructed Gur-Emir Mausoleum (1404-1405, 15-17 centuries) and reflect on his life while looking at the largest piece of jade (greenstone) in the world.

Dinner at local restaurant. Meals: breakfast, dinner

DAY 3:             SAMARKAND

  1. Breakfast. Full day SS of:
  • Ulugbek’s Observatory – observatory of Timur’s grandson. Only the foundations remain but it is truly extraordinary. Ulugbek was an astronomer, scientist and architect. His scientific and astronomical discoveries greatly advanced knowledge in these fields. The only thing that was preserved is a part of huge sextant – major astronomic instrument, the lowest part of which was in a deep trench (11km).
  • Tomb of Prophet Daniel, Afrosiab – Amongst other curiosities in Samarkand is the tomb of the Hebrew Prophet Daniel, which is in the cemetery section of Afrosiab next to a pleasant stream. It contains a burial chamber around 18 meters long. After the conquest of Syria the grave was transported to Samarkand under the orders of Amir Temur.
  • Afrosiab – The ruined site of ancient and medieval Samarkand in the northern part of the modern town. This place always ensured favorable conditions for human settlements. As proof, one can freely walk through the ancient ruins. A museum is in the center of the remains.
  • Shakhi-Zinda Ensemble – (9-14, 19 centuries) situated on southeastern mound of Afrosiab. This architectural complex consists of 44 tombs in more than 20 mausoleums. The greatest significance of Shah E Zinda is that he was the First cousin of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and resembles the Prophet the most
  • Registan Ensemble – Registan became the city square when the life in Afrosiab stopped. Since that time Registan was reconstructed several times. Today it is surrounded by the three medreses: Ulugbek, Sherdor and Tillokori.

Dinner at national family with Pilav. Meals: breakfast, dinner

DAY 4:             SAMARKAND – TASHKENT 320km

  1. Breakfast. Continue SS of Samarkand:
  • Bibi-Khanym Mosque – named after the wife of Temur and built between 1399-1404 – is one of best known architectural attractions of Central Asia. The Mosque was erected on Timur’s order after his combat of Delhi. The Minaret of the Mosque was supposed to be the tallest.
  • Bazar

Drive to Tashkent.

  1. Arrival. Acc at hotel.

Farewell dinner at local restaurant. Meals: breakfast, dinner

DAY 5:             TASHKENT – FERGHANA

  1. Breakfast. Drive to Fergana by cars via Kokand. SS in city.

Continue driving to Rishtan. Visit ceramic pottery. Arrival and acc at hotel in Fergana. Dinner at hotel. Meals: breakfast, dinner


  1. Breakfast. Drive to Margilan for visit of “Yodgorlik” atlas making factory.

Continue driving to Andijan. In the afternoon cross Uzbek-Kyrgyz land border Dostuk and meet your LOCAL guide. Transfer to guest house. Meals: breakfast, dinner

DAY 7:             OSH – TOKTOGUL 410km/6h

After breakfast, sightseeing tour of Osh includes the Holly Suleiman Mountain, a Muslim place of pilgrimage, Babur’s Mausoleum and Silk Road Museum. Then, drive through the beautiful natural landscapes to the Toktogul water-reservoir. This is a long drive but very rewarding. Along the way there’s an excursion to the ancient town of Uzgen. Check into the guest house on the reservoir with a very scenic mountain backdrop. Note that the guest house could be considered very basic but is the only option along the route. Dinner at the guest house. Meals: breakfast, dinner

DAY 8:             TOKTOGUL – BISHKEK 300km/5h

Today is also a long drive but full of stunning snow capped mountains and green valleys. Start early by heading north toward to Bishkek passing the Toktogul Water Reservoir and driving through the mountain tunnel. On arrival late in the afternoon, check in to the hotel and free time for resting. Meals: breakfast, dinner

DAY 9:             BISHKEK – CHOLPON ATA 270km/5h

After breakfast, take a city tour of the capital: Ala Too Central Square, open air Art Gallery, Fine Arts Museum, The Victory Square, Panfilov Park and Erkindik Boulevard. In the afternoon, head east to Cholpon Ata, a lakeside resort town on the very deep and beautiful lake – Issyk Kul. On the way stop to visit the Burana Historical Complex and open air Museum of Petroglyphs (stone inscriptions). Horse games near Burana tower. Meals: breakfast, dinner

DAY 10:          CHOLPON ATA – KARAKOL 150km/3h

Morning excursion to Semenov Gorge with light trekking. Picnic lunch at the gorge. From there drive along the very scenic road to Karakol at the far East end of the Lake where you’ll visit the beautiful Russian Church made entirely of wood (no nails) and the Dungan Mosque. (The Dungan’s are a minority group of Muslims living in this region and originally from Western China). Just before reaching the town visit the museum of Explorer Nikolai Przhevalsky. Meals: breakfast, lunch-box

DAY 11:          KARAKOL – BISHKEK 430km/7h

An early morning start today. After breakfast depart around 7.00am for Bishkek through the south side of Issyk Kul Lake. On the way take an excursion to Jeti Oguz (Seven Bulls), a scenic regional township with beautiful hills and streams surrounding the area. For those up to it, light trek over a hill for scenic views over the area. Smell the fresh air! Those who prefer not to trek can stay and enjoy the surroundings. Arrive back in Bishkek early in the evening. Farewell dinner at a local restaurant followed with folklore show. Meals: breakfast, dinner

DAY 12:          BISHKEK – AIRPORT 30km/50min

Transfer to the Airport for the departure flight. Check-out from hotel before 12:00pm. Meals: breakfast

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